Sustaining Donors
Sustaining donors regularly donate to the Waterford Foundation through a recurring payment, typically on a monthly basis. Sustaining donors are a key source of revenue for the Foundation, and allowing us to plan and reach our goals through reliable and regular revenue.
Benefits of sustaining donors for the Waterford Foundation
- Reliable revenue: Sustaining donors provide a reliable source of income for the Foundations
- Loyal donors: Sustaining donors are often among the most loyal Foundation donors.
- Predictable income: Sustaining donors help the Foundation predict how much money will come in each month
Benefits of sustaining donations for individuals:
- Convenience: Donors can set the amount and frequency of their donations, and the payments are automatically deducted from their account
- Budget-friendly: Spreading donations out throughout the year can be easier on a budget.
Become a sustaining donor by clicking this link to our donate page!
Qualified Charitable Distributions
Donors age 70 1/2 or older may direct a distribution from their Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to the Waterford Foundation as a Qualified Charitable Distribution. A qualified charitable distribution is not taxed, nor is it included in your taxable income. To initiate a QCD from your IRA, speak with your IRA manager to determine their process for requesting a QCD. As a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Waterford Foundation, Inc. is a qualified charity to receive QCDs. Our Federal Tax ID number is 54-0755457.
To learn more about QCDs from Fidelity Charitable, click this link!
Donor Advised Funds
A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable investment account that allows individuals to contribute assets and receive tax benefits while supporting charities:
- How it works: A donor contributes cash, stocks, real estate, or other assets to a DAF with a sponsoring organization, such as a nonprofit or financial institution. The donor receives a tax deduction for the contribution, and the funds are invested tax-free. The donor then advises the organization on how to distribute the funds to charities.
Benefits: DAFs are one of the most tax-efficient ways to donate to charity. Some benefits include:
- Tax deductions: Donors can receive an immediate tax deduction for their contributions.
- Tax-free growth: Funds in a DAF grow tax-free.
- Flexibility: Donors can recommend donations to charities of their choice.
- No minimum distributions: Unlike private foundations, DAFs don’t require minimum annual distributions.
- Anonymous grants: Grants can be made anonymously.
To create a donor-advised fund (DAF), you can:
- Choose a sponsoring organization: You can work with a community foundation, public charity, or investment company that sponsors DAFs.
- Determine the minimum contribution: The minimum contribution to start a DAF can range from $5,000 to $25,000.
- Make an initial contribution: You can contribute cash, stock, real estate, cryptocurrencies, or other assets.
- Name your fund: Some sponsors allow you to name your fund.
- Recommend charities: When you’re ready to donate, you can recommend a charity to the sponsoring organization. The sponsoring organization will then disburse the funds to the charity as a grant.
As a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Waterford Foundation, Inc. is a qualified charity to receive QCDs. Our Federal Tax ID number is 54-0755457. If you need any additional information to initiate a DAF grant to the Waterford Foundation, please contact our office by email at oldschool@waterfordfoundation.org or by phone at 540-882-3018.
Targeted Giving
Targeted giving to restricted funds gives Waterford Foundation donors assurance that their money is being used in the manner they desire. The following restricted funds are available for donors to support at any time. If you wish to make a restricted gift but do not see a restricted fund that meets your charitable giving goals, please reach out to our Executive Director at sthompson@waterfordfoundation.org.
- Lantern Light Fund: Supports the sites, stories, and artifacts of Waterford’s African American heritage, including the Second Street School and the John Wesley Community Church and the education programs that feature Waterford’s African American heritage
- Waterford Trail Network Fund (coming soon!): Supports the maintenance and development of the Waterford Trail Network including the Phillips Farm Interpretive Trail, providing the public with safe walking trails through Waterford’s protected open spaces and historic sites.
- Endowment: A permanently invested fund where the earnings are available to support the preservation and education mission of the Waterford Foundation. Gifts to the Waterford Foundation endowment are never spent, but the earnings that they generate serve to support the Waterford Foundation in perpetuity.
Stock Gifts
Gifts of stock may have tax advantages for Waterford Foundation donors as compared with gifts of cash:
- Tax savings: avoid paying capital gains tax on the stock’s appreciation.
- Deduction: deduct the stock’s fair market value as an income tax deduction. This deduction can be up to 30% of your adjusted gross income.
- Maximize charitable giving: use the tax savings to make a larger donation to charity.
Here are some things to consider when donating appreciated stock to a charity:
- Holding period: You must have held the stock for at least one year.
- Transferring the stock: You’ll need to work with your broker or financial institution to transfer the stock to the charity’s brokerage account.
The Waterford Foundation accepts stock gifts. To initiate a gift of appreciated stock, please connect your broker with our office at oldschool@waterfordfoundation.org or by phone at 540-882-3018. You can also reach out to us directly for the account numbers you will need to initiate the transfer.
Planned Giving
Planned giving, also known as legacy giving or gift planning, is a process where a donor commits to giving a charitable gift to a nonprofit organization at a future date. Planned gifts are usually made through a will or trust after the donor passes away. Planned gifts can include cash, property, stocks, life insurance, real estate, or other assets. Donors often work with professional advisors, attorneys, and nonprofit organizations to create their plan; however, the vast majority of planned gifts are simple bequests of a fixed amount or a percentage of the estate.
When you are revising your estate plan, please consider including the Waterford Foundation. Let preserving the Waterford National Historic Landmark for future generations be a part of your legacy by remembering the Waterford Foundation in your estate plan.
Workplace Giving
Workplace giving, also known as employee giving, is a company-sponsored program that allows employees to donate to nonprofits such as the Waterford Foundation.
Workplace giving programs can include:
- Payroll deductions: Employees can have donations automatically taken out of their paycheck.
- Matching gifts: Employees may receive matching gifts from their company.
- Volunteer support: Employees can participate in volunteer programs.
- Annual giving campaigns: Employees can participate in annual campaigns.
Workplace giving programs can be a low-cost way for employees to support nonprofits. Connect with your employer’s HR department to learn what workplace giving opportunities are available to you as an employee and whether the Waterford Foundation is a qualified charitable organization under your company’s program. Feel free to connect your HR representative with our office oldschool@waterfordfoundation.org or by phone at 540-882-3018 to see how you can support the Waterford Foundation through your company’s workplace giving programs.